A Day in the Life of Grade 1 at Langevin School
Welcome to a new year!
Though we have only had a few weeks together, we have already been very busy learning in room 208. This blog will be a way for parents and families to have a glimpse into what we get up during school.
An idea of our day: Students arrive in the morning, put away their coats and switch to their indoor shoes. After that they will be writing a message in their agenda (when they are delivered) and doing some morning work. Lately we have been making patterns with a variety of hands-on math tools. I take pictures of them and later in the day we have discussion.
We have Phys-Ed every day at 8:40 - 9:10 am. Our teacher is Ms. Clarke and on Monday & Tuesday we go to indoor gym, Wednesday & Thursday is the weather is pretty good we go outside.
Every day we have reading groups that are supported by one of our Education Assistants. At this time students are divided into 4 groups who rotate between going to take out a book in the Learning Commons, working on Word-Work, doing phonics games on an i-pad, or reading with me.
After that we have work on our core subjects until Lunch at 11:12 am - 12:00 pm.
Lunch is supervised by another teacher. The students have 20 minutes to eat their lunch and 10 minutes of that time is for "silent eating". After that, the students change to go outside for the remainder of lunch.
When they come back inside we do some more reading and then if it's Monday or Wednesday, they make their way down to the basement for Music with Ms. Tryon. In music they are learning both singing and introduction to instruments.
If we don't have music, we are supported in our core subjects by Ms. Bell (the Kindergarten teacher).
At 1:15 - 1:30 every day the students head outside for a recess break. When they come in I have been asking them to finish up their lunch for about 10 more minutes.
After that we spend some more time on core subjects and then we have afternoon 'Exploration', a time where students are given a daily challenge for building, design and constructions with the fantastic learning tools we have in our room.
At the very end of the day we all complete our rotating tidy-up job to reset for tomorrow.
Here are a few pictures from our recent adventures!


Though we have only had a few weeks together, we have already been very busy learning in room 208. This blog will be a way for parents and families to have a glimpse into what we get up during school.
An idea of our day: Students arrive in the morning, put away their coats and switch to their indoor shoes. After that they will be writing a message in their agenda (when they are delivered) and doing some morning work. Lately we have been making patterns with a variety of hands-on math tools. I take pictures of them and later in the day we have discussion.
We have Phys-Ed every day at 8:40 - 9:10 am. Our teacher is Ms. Clarke and on Monday & Tuesday we go to indoor gym, Wednesday & Thursday is the weather is pretty good we go outside.
Every day we have reading groups that are supported by one of our Education Assistants. At this time students are divided into 4 groups who rotate between going to take out a book in the Learning Commons, working on Word-Work, doing phonics games on an i-pad, or reading with me.
After that we have work on our core subjects until Lunch at 11:12 am - 12:00 pm.
Lunch is supervised by another teacher. The students have 20 minutes to eat their lunch and 10 minutes of that time is for "silent eating". After that, the students change to go outside for the remainder of lunch.
When they come back inside we do some more reading and then if it's Monday or Wednesday, they make their way down to the basement for Music with Ms. Tryon. In music they are learning both singing and introduction to instruments.
If we don't have music, we are supported in our core subjects by Ms. Bell (the Kindergarten teacher).
At 1:15 - 1:30 every day the students head outside for a recess break. When they come in I have been asking them to finish up their lunch for about 10 more minutes.
After that we spend some more time on core subjects and then we have afternoon 'Exploration', a time where students are given a daily challenge for building, design and constructions with the fantastic learning tools we have in our room.
At the very end of the day we all complete our rotating tidy-up job to reset for tomorrow.
Here are a few pictures from our recent adventures!

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